Today was one of the lowest tides of the year, a whopping -4.3 which occurred at 7:41 am this morning in Juneau. A few adventurous friends and I explored the inter-tidal zone, which was teeming with critters of all shapes, sizes, colors, and textures.
There are plenty of low-tide hot spots throughout Juneau, but for today we chose the area at Indian Cove. To get there, turn left on the first street (Otter Way) past the Auke Bay Ferry Terminal. Then drive all the way to the end of the street, and you'll see stairs leading down to the beach. Easily accessible and spectacular views - rain or shine!
An abandoned crab pot.
Photography buddies. Their gear is probably worth more than my car.
No wildlife were harmed in the making of this photo.
Three course meal: sea cucumber, starfish, and fish head. Yummo!
As I faced these rocks, I noticed they were towering above me. Hard to believe they're completely submerged during high tide.
Little treasures.
Sea cucumber.
Another lucky feather.
Photo courtesy of Becky Nelson.
Five and five.
Fresh bear scat.
With two lovely ladies, my good friends Becky and Kerry.