This is Momma and her best friend, Sue, or who I affectionately call to this day, "Aunt Sue." Sue was a bit older than Momma, and they were best friends nevertheless.
I don't know the circumstances in which they met and became life-long friends, but there's one thing that is for sure: they were friends for the ages. My Mom loved Sue, and Sue loved my Momma... dearly.
When I had to call Aunt Sue on March 21 to break the news that Mom had passed away, it was once of the hardest things ever. None of us were expecting the news, nor were any of us wanting to hear or give it. That's what is unfortunate about being an only child — all the responsibility falls on you.
*It's Day 40 of my 71 day photo series in honor of my dear sweet Momma who passed away on 03.21.2016 after a harrowing 71 day health battle. Those 71 days do not define her. Oh no. What defines her — and me — are the incredible 66 years that she lived her life. I hope you enjoy these snapshots of the beautiful moments and memories of her life.