"Memories of Momma" — A 71 Day Photo Tribute (Day 42)



This is Momma with her Bestie, Sue. Sue — or as Mom taught me to call her, "Aunt Sue" — has known my Mom a longer amount of time than I myself have known my own mother. Oh, I can only imagine the stories they could tell after nearly four decades of best friendship. But that's the beauty of best friends: they never tell about all the crazy shenanigans, but the memories live on!

I got a chuckle when I zoomed in on this picture and spotted the "Hooters" menus on the table. I wonder who's idea this was! I myself have never stepped foot inside a "Hooters," but I find it both hilarious and endearing that these two little ladies did.

*It's Day 42 of my 71 day photo series in honor of my dear sweet Momma who passed away on 03.21.2016 after a harrowing 71 day health battle. Those 71 days do not define her. Oh no. What defines her — and me — are the incredible 66 years that she lived her life. I hope you enjoy these snapshots of the beautiful moments and memories of her life.