I spent the holidays back in my homestate of Alabama, and it was terrific. There was so much Chick-Fil-A and Krispy Kreme consumed that I reckon I'll be detoxing from the South for a good month before my dietary habits get back to normal.
One of the high points of my trip was driving up to Tennessee with my dear sweet Momma on Christmas Day. Most of my roots are still in the Deep South, and whenever I'm that side of the Mason-Dixon line, I try to get some time in with family in Centertown, Tennessee. My last trip to see my Tennessee kinfolk was way back in 2012, so my visit back to the Farm was long overdue.
Most of the family's got a history in farming, and Uncle Pug - who's in his late 70s - is still up and at 'em. Imagine my surprise when he tells me Christmas morning that one of his Black Angus cows birthed a little one just a few hours earlier! Somehow I talked Uncle Pug into naming it Candice, because let's get real - who doesn't want to have livestock named after them? What an awesome, one-of-a-kind Christmas present!
Check out the video below of when Uncle Pug and I took the four-wheeler on the farm in search of "Candice." My fave part is at the 02:19 minute mark when Uncle Pug tells me about "Big Daddy." Enjoy!
Uncle Pug. Quite the character.
"Candice" and Momma Cow.
They call this one "Candice."
I don't know this cow's name. I will call it "Grumpy Cow."