Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!
Juneau weather was in full force today, with a few inches of snow
accumulation and 50 mph wind gusts here on Douglas Island. It was nice to hunker down inside and feast
on traditional Alaska and Southern Thanksgiving treats. You know the eatin’s gonna be good when there’s countless
casserole dishes on the table. I don't know about y'all, but I'm full as a tick!
This season, I find myself gushing with thankfulness for all the blessings poured on me this past year. What a life-changing year this has been. Ups and downs, challenges and chances, distractions and motivations. It's easy to lose our enthusiasm and gratefulness when life becomes ridiculously easy. It's been a tough year, and I'm thankful for all the chaos because one can't have the rainbow without the rain.
I want to thank you (yes, YOU) for being here during my journey and also for your being. May the small blessings in your life accumulate and make for a marvelous year.
Southern Sweet Potato Casserole and Classic Green Bean Casserole - Two Southern Staples!
Turkey and ham and all the fixins'. I'm fixin' to get me a plate!
Inside: comfort food. Outside: sideways snow.
Nothing says The South like good ol’ apple pie. (Except maybe Chick-Fil-A and Krispy Kreme)
Try not to get distracted by Sonny Bunny’s belly roll.
Tryptophan overdose.