My Carhartt Boyfriend

Growing up in Alabama, believe it or not, I didn’t see a lot of folks wearing Carhartt.  It seemed like most people were usually dressed to the nines and always impeccably put together.  You know, stylin’ and profilin’.  They had the look.  Don't get me wrong.  Southern men and women know how to look mighty fine.  But up here in Alaska, style is different.  Not better or worse, just different.  And I’m enjoying it immensely.

I didn’t develop my newfound respect for Carhartt until after I moved to Alaska.  I discovered that up here in the Frozen North, you need to wear ridiculously practical clothing, and it’s got to be durable.  And warm.  Best of all, wearing Carhartt makes you fit in here, even if you've got your pearls and cashmere on underneath. 

Carhartt is worn all over the world, but it’s clearly a signature of Alaskans.  And that’s why I was so impressed to recently discover Carhartt's new advertisement campaign, shot entirely here in Alaska.  The marketing geniuses over at Carhartt really hit a home-run using real Alaskans, real scenarios, and yes – even real muskox. 

What followed this clever marketing tool is a hilarious response to the captivating masculinity of Carhartt's Fall 2012 catalog.  Dodai Stewart of wrote a spot-on account with Get to Know Your Carhartt Boyfriend.  Take a gander through the gallery and check out Dodai's quips. You'll be ROFL in no time.  Some of my faves are:

"Your Carhartt Boyfriend kayaks through white water just to get to home every night. The commute's a pain, but the tiny island where his log cabin is located has its charms. Electricity isn't one of them."

"Your Carhartt Boyfriend knows about some places that aren't on any map. Places deep inside your heart."

"You look cold. Your Carhartt Boyfriend will make a fire with his bare hands, or at least strike the match on his chest."


So of course I took the liberty of coming up with a few of my own scenarios:

"Your Armani Boyfriend will treat you to a posh restaurant with a filet mignon and a bottle of ’61 Château Latour Grand Vin.  Your Carhartt Boyfriend grills up the moose he harvested last week as he was on his way back from chopping down a Sitka spruce, all because you said you wanted a “real” Christmas tree."

"Your Banana Republic Boyfriend orders risotto and truffle butter and dabs the corner of his mouth with his linen napkin.  Your Carhartt Boyfriend reaches for his buck knife, slices the fresh-from-the-fire caribou loin, and hand-feeds you."

"Your Brooks Brothers Boyfriend invests in Italian silk neck ties.  Your Carhartt Boyfriend invests in you."

"Your Nautica Boyfriend wears sunblock.  Your Carhartt Boyfriend stands in the snow with his shirt off.  Because he can."

Pick up a copy of the Fall 2012 Carhartt catalog, and see what all the fuss is about.