Reunion Time

A far cry from Alaska, tonight I'm in Central Alabama for a long-awaited evening with my wonderful (and gorgeous!) friend, Stormy, who flew in from San Diego, and our close friends and mentors Audrey and Eduardo. Wish I lived closer to these three.


Funny story: in 2008, Stormy and I were visiting Audrey and Eduardo in their kitchen. The topic of my moving to Alaska came up, and I expressed my hesitancy. Audrey responded without missing a beat:

"What do you have to lose? It will change your life. You'll probably have the adventure of a lifetime, too."

For whatever reason, Audrey's statement flipped a switch in my mind. 

Later that evening, I literally saw the sign - a magnet on Audrey's fridge, which read: 

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do."

Remember this inspiring advice, my friends. Remember it. Always.